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TALK WITH US TODAY: +86 025 6963 5019

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Principal's Message

Nanjing Hankai Academy cultivates different talents and prepare our lifelong learners to be globally competent. It was established in Nanjing, China which will eventually radiate to the world.We are both providing Chinese and Western education to our learners, to kindle their curiosity and further their knowledge as global citizens. Nanjing Hankai Academy is an international school, with the motto of "Wisdom and perseverance”. 
Through preeminent academic education and leadership training, our goal is to cultivate the world citizens and future leaders with Chinese spirit, to achieve their values of lives. --------- let the good students be better, let the usual students be unusual. We are building HKA to be a school where every child would enjoy school life and love learning. HKA employs contemplative faculty with excellent leadership, academic aptitude and are creative, which every Nanjing Hankai Academy student embodies. 
With such characteristics , they will be able to achieve success in the future all over the world and be proud of Nanjing Hankai Academy all their lives. For the real improvement of our school system in the basic education, we will continue to strive in providing quality education though continuous professional development.